
Can Music Help Seniors With Dementia?

An estimated 5.6 million seniors in the U.S. are affected by dementia. While there no cure for Alzheimer’s and dementia, there are several measures to help prevent and slow cognitive decline. Music is a surprisingly powerful tool we’ve discovered in the fight against these diseases. This simple joy is proven to help reconnect with the past, ease emotional distress, and foster a sense of joy and well-being. In this blog, we delve into the impact of music on seniors with dementia, drawing insights from research and expert guidance.

Understanding Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

Dementia, characterized by a decline in memory, cognitive function, and the ability to perform daily activities, represents a challenge. Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, takes a huge toll on both patients and their loved ones, robbing them of cherished memories and moments.

The Healing Harmony of Music

Enter the healing harmony of music—a therapeutic intervention that transcends language barriers and speaks directly to the heart. Research has shown that musical therapy holds immense promise in alleviating the symptoms of dementia, including agitation, anxiety, and social withdrawal. Dr. Borna Bonakdarpour, a physician, musician, and neurologist at Northwestern Medicine, sheds light on the transformative potential of musical intervention for individuals with dementia.

“When we use musical intervention, we’re looking for areas and networks in the brain that are intact to serve as bridges and help the areas that are not working well,” explains Dr. Bonakdarpour. “Singing, for example, can be a bridge to communicating better through language. The rhythmic nature of music can help people walk better.”

Harnessing the Therapeutic Power of Music

To leverage the therapeutic power of music effectively, it’s essential to work with trained professionals such as music therapists. These experts can tailor musical experiences to suit the unique preferences and needs of individuals with dementia. From selecting the right type of music to determining optimal timing and delivery methods, music therapists play a pivotal role in enhancing the well-being of seniors with dementia.

For those seeking to incorporate musical interventions into their loved one’s routine, there are several strategies you can try:

  • Play Music from Their Youth: Delve into the musical tapestry of your loved one’s past by selecting songs from their teenage years or early adulthood. Music from this era has a profound ability to evoke long-term memories, fostering a sense of connection and familiarity.
  • Observe Their Response: Pay close attention to your loved one’s reaction to different types of music. Note which songs elicit positive responses and which ones may cause distress or agitation. By tailoring musical selections to their preferences, you can create a soothing and enriching environment.
  • Utilize Music to Soothe: Music serves as a powerful tool for calming and redirecting individuals with dementia during moments of agitation or frustration. By providing a source of comfort and distraction, music can help alleviate distress and promote a sense of calm.

The Impact on Caregivers

Beyond its profound benefits for those with dementia, music therapy extends its healing power to caregivers as well. Dr. Bonakdarpour’s research has revealed that musical interventions not only improve the well-being of patients but also alleviate the stress and anxiety experienced by their caregivers.

“People with Alzheimer’s may come alive again when they hear music. Some start dancing alone or with their caregivers, which is a very big deal,” observes Dr. Bonakdarpour. “Caregivers find the person lost to them in the context of music.”

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